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Bowling is an important part of our branch. We bowl all year long with league bowling from August to March and practice bowling during the summer months. We bowl each Wednesday at Country Club Lanes at 11:00AM.

Our league is normally made up of 14 teams and we generally have a good representation at State and California Senior tournaments. This year our bowlers shared a pot of over $5,500. Additional prize money is handed out for categories like, high scratch series, high handicap series, most improved bowler and bowler of the year.

In addition to good bowling, the main thing we see every week in our matches is a bunch of great guys having fun competing against their buddies. It gets noisy out there! We're very much hoping to expand the league to 16 teams next year as interest and membership continue to grow, so if you have an interest joining Branch 69 and our bowling league, give some thought to joining us next year and share some of that fun, not to mention the prize money.


The big bowling news is the State SIR Bowling Tournament sponsored by our branch on February 17 & 18. Starting out with the planning for this event, the State SIR Bowling Council told me that we would have a good tournament if 60 or so bowlers signed up. In the end, our turnout was over 90 bowlers!

A number of bowlers stopped by to thank me for having our branch host this event. It felt like everything went very well from start to finish. We were able to hold this tournament without any financial cost to our branch treasury, too. A project of this size takes a major team effort. Chris Alvarez and Bobbi Nicholson from Country Club Lanes provided a huge amount of advice and support for the tournament. Ray DiBasilio from the State SIR Bowling Council is pretty much the SIR tournament expert; his help and experience made this event possible. Ray's wife, Cindi, helped out with the coffee and food supplies. In addition, Hal Copperberg served as tournament treasurer. His contributions didn't stop there, though, Hal helped with the bowler check-in both days, provided SIR banners and other SIR-branded gear, and in general stepped up in many ways.

Mattie Dukes helped with the bowler check-in both days and took many tournament photos. Our Big Sir, Mark Steffens, helped out with door prizes and other tournament supplies. Connor Chin had signed up to be the tournament co-chair, but he suffered a knee injury in January and was house-confined from then on, a tough break for Connor's involvement. Many, many thanks to all these people who volunteered their time and energy so that our branch could successfully host this tournament.





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